Request an unlock code

Complete the form below to receive your unlock code.

To retrieve your computer ID, open the program, click "I want to get an unlock code", and copy the 7 digit number provided. We will send the unlock code to your e-mail.

Business hours are M-F 9:00 AM ET - 5:00 PM ET.

This is a manual verification process; messages received outside of business hours will receive a response the next business day.

*If your request does not go through, please send the 7 digit computer ID and your receipt number to [email protected].

i want to get an unlock code screenshot
Get an unlock code screenshot from within the program.
Valid e-mail is required.
A computer ID is required.
E-mail, computer ID, and purchase status are required.

Important: Hours of Operation

Business hours are M-F 9:00 AM ET - 5:00 PM ET.
This is a manual verification process.


"I enjoy using your software tremendously!"

Marc Buyse - Executive Director, IDDI (International Drug Development Institute), Brussels, Belgium

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Power and Precision

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Power and Precision is a statistical power analysis software package for calculation of a sample size for a planned study. The program features an unusually clear interface, and many tools to assist the user in developing an understanding of power analysis.